A Busy Mid-August

I just can't believe how many babies that I know were born within the couple of weeks surrounding Corgan's birth. There was Corgan (Aug 22), Kelson (Aug 14), Erin Gallers (Aug 13), Caroline (Aug 15, my college roomie's baby), Benjamin Lange (Aug 14, son of an ex-co-worker, Dan Lange), and I know there are others who I am forgetting! And this was all in 2007. This doesn't include my dad's birthday (Aug 15), my grandma's birthday (Aug 25), my Uncle Pete (Aug 21), Keith's Brother-in-Law Chris (Aug 21), Nicole and Carla (Aug 25), my parents' anniversary (Aug 23), and I'm sure there are more of these too! What a busy middle-of-the-month!


Anonymous said...

Brody is August 27th! But he was 2001 :) When I was in labor the nurse told me that August is the most popular birth month. I don't know if that is true but it sure sounds like it!


Chelsi said...

It's funny how it works like that in families - we get slammed at the end of the year with birthdays for Kyle's family and mine!!

Anonymous said...

My parents anniversary is 13Aug... Nicole