A Flame from the Past

A flame from the past is now back in my life. It's not an ex-boyfriend... it's my first TiVo! I was one of the first people I know to join the TiVoloution back in Dec 2000! My TV life hasn't been the same since then, and now my original Series 1 TiVo unit is back!

When we moved out of the condo in October 2003, I disconnected my Series 1, and never did reconnect it when we got satellite at the barn. One reason S1 never came back out of the box was that we already had the DirecTV TiVo in the living room (the new and improved TiVo), so I didn't have the TiVo withdrawl. Another reason was that the guys who connected our satellite dish told me that he didn't think the standalone TiVo units worked with satellite. Although it would've just taken opening the box to check, I never verified that satellite-guy was wrong even though I suspected he was. So, TiVo S1 sat up in the attic until this past Christmas when I decided to take him down and give him a try on our TiVo-less TV. It took me months of moving the box around the house (to get it out of the way), until I finally decided "Now is the time!" and opened the box up to see what I could do! So, a couple of nights ago, I carried S1 back into the bedroom, got him out of the box, connected all of the wires, then BOOM... my heart sank! No, S1 didn't explode, but I realized that his power cord was missing! I nearly cried! (Okay... maybe I'm being overly dramatic, but I was pretty upset.)

I felt a little better when I went to the internet and discovered that I could order a new power cord for about $10, but I thought the input looked pretty familiar so I decided to consult with Ben before placing an order. He agreed that I could probably find the cord at RadioShack, and today I did! :) So this afternoon I finished getting S1 all hooked up and he works! I still need to complete the setup because it took nearly 2 hours to get his software up-to-date and get a new schedule downloaded (which I'm pretty sure I'll need to do again because I didn't change my preferences to the satellite before doing that so I'm sure the cable schedule is on there now).

One cool thing was that I checked to see what was on the TiVo "List". We moved into the house on October 13 and disconnected the TiVo at the condo on October 12, so that was the date of the last show recorded on there. "Spongebob Squarepants" was the last show that I recorded. :) I also had first-run episodes of "Friends" (the episode after Rachel and Joey hook up), "The Practice" (when Allen Shore was first trying to join their practice), "Will & Grace" (something about Leo and Karen and tennis), and "Just Shoot Me" (the episode with Amy Sedaris!). There were also lots of episodes of "Carnivale" (a show I had planned to watch, but never did), "The Kovels" (old people who talk about antiques), "Shabby Chic", and TiVo suggestion recordings of "Saved by the Bell". :) It was funny to see what all was on there the weeks before we moved into the barn.

So, now I can't wait to start recording episodes of "Little House on the Prairie" and other shows that I enjoy watching, but still put me to sleep. :) Yea, TiVo Series 1! Welcome back, Old Friend!

P.S. A few new pics are up!


Christina said...

I just have to say I love your blog. Whenever I hit a wall at work and as the days grow longer as we approach the 15th that is often I love to read your blog! It almost always makes me laugh in some way.

It is usually light and definitely puts me back in a good mood so thank you :-)

Back to work!

Keri Donald said...

Awe shucks! *blush*

Thanks! That's good to hear! :)