Next we went to another room with big machines for the xray. The had me strip Annabelle down and put a baby gown on her (it was so cute... her little butt even hung out). They had to put a catheter in her, which suprisingly went very well. Then she had to lay still for the xray pictures... THAT was the hard part! Annabelle HATES laying down when she isn't going to sleep! I also had to hold her hands to keep her from taking the cath out. They filled Annabelle's bladder up with a clear liquid that is visible on the xray via the catheter, then we were supposed to have to wait a while for her to start peeing. We didn't have to wait though... she peed almost right away so they called the doctor in to watch the xray. He had us flip her on her sides, half way on her sides, flat on her back, and back and forth between all of those. She was SCREAMING at that point! Poor baby was so confused and just wanted to sit up!
The doctor observed that there was a bit of reflux back up the ureter (left one, I think), but it wasn't bad. Also, the other ureter looked fine. We have an appointment with Annabelle's regular pediatrician on Monday to go over the test results and what we do from there, but from what I gathered it seems like she does have vesicoureteral reflux, but it's pretty minor, maybe Grade I. Don't know if that means that she has to take some kind of medicine until this heals itself, or if we just watch for the signs of another UTI and catch them early? Guess I'll find out Monday. From what I understand, the #1 goal is to avoid any scarring of the kidneys which can occur as a result of too many and/or severe kidney infections so that there is no long term damage.
After the tests were done, Annabelle was NOT ready to be strapped into her car seat and put into a car, so I decided to take her for a treat for being such a good girl. We walked down to the Ben & Jerry's shop that's in the plaza where the Imaging Center is. I bought Annabelle her own "cone" (not the icecream, just the cone), and she chilled on the bean bags at B&J and demolished her cone. She was SO cute that an employee came over and asked if they could take a picture of her for their bulletin board of their fans. Of course I let them, so by the time that we left, she was up on their wall. :) I may have to invest in a bean bag because Annabelle loved sitting there and relaxing. It made me feel like she was so much older though because she was sitting in her own "bag" just minding her own business and enjoying her cone while I sat in the bean bag next to her enjoying my treat (and snapping a few pictures, of course).
Once the cone was gone, she was happy to head home and get down and play, and now I'm sure she's forgotten the whole traumatic experience. :)
Pictures of Belle enjoying her cone and one of her in her gown are up on our gallery.
I think Belle just likes to pose in front of the cow! SO cute! Hope everything comes out well- will be checking on Tuesday to hear what happens with the tests!
Poor girl - she is a trooper being so good about the catheter :) I'm glad they are finding out what's wrong with her and it doesn't sound too serious!! Belle is a star at Ben & Jerry's now - very cool!
Wow! I'm glad that Belle did so good at the appointment. I can imagine all of that would be traumatic for an adult so I can't imagine what it would be like for a little one.
Let us know how it goes. Good Luck!
I love the picture of your little celebrity.
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