Playing Catchup!

This past week I've been busy with traveling, home improvement, and other general stuff so my picture posting fell behind. But never fear... I just added 8 new albums to our gallery. These new pictures include Labor Day Weekend festivities, Belle's first kiddie birthday party, hanging out with Dave, and some great pictures of Belle just being a baby (and being a "newbie" Spring chick).

We now have the baby gate up (Thank You, Ben), and it's a good thing too because Belle has really begun exploring! She's crawling all over, and even trying to leave the room now. She's also able to sit herself up at will (she still falls occasionally, but gets it quite often), and tries to pull herself up on just about anything (we REALLY have to watch this). I moved her crib all of the way down to the lowest setting now, so she should be safe in there until she figures out how to climb!

Enjoy the pictures!

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