Bellee LOVES Jello! I was eating a jello & fruit cup yesterday and she was acting like she wanted some so I gave her a little bit of the jello, and she LOVES it! She's eaten 3 more cups with me since then.

Also, GREAT news... Belle drank from a sippy cup today!!! She actually DRANK from it instead of just chewing on the spout! Yea! She drank about an ounce from a bottle the other day too. I have very mixed emotions about this. On the one hand, I'm excited because this means that she'll be able to drink from something besides me and this gives me a little bit more freedom to leave her with a sitter. On the other hand, she'll be able to drink from something besides me! I have a feeling that once she gets the hang of a bottle and/or sippy cup, she won't want to nurse for much longer. She's showing less and less interest in nursing. I will be happy to have my body back (well, once I lose at least 10 more lbs), but I will very much miss breastfeeding!


Angelle said...

It was fun when Leah started drinking from a sippy cup. Which kind do you use? I loved the Nuby brand for a LONG time. Now we use the Playtex insulated 9 oz cups (they have hard spouts).

Liz said...

I'm sure Bellee will still want to nurse. Ella has taken a bottle since I had her, and she still goes for the boob. Nothing beats the boob! It will just give you more freedom during the day, just nurse her in the mornings and at night.

stacy said...

that's exciting about the sippy cup, but i totally understand about missing breastfeeding. Landon is still nursing but will use bottles when i'm at work. He still prefers nursing but i know one day either he's going to start being uninterested or i'm going to start weaning him...and i'm going to be very SAD. Tell Belle to keep up the good work.