2010 Goals

Since it worked out so well for me last year, I think I'm going to have another go at this "Goals for the Year" thing. Here are my goals for 2010:
  • Donate to locks of love
  • Get Lasik
  • Learn felting
  • Frame and put up my own family and friend photos all over our house
  • Be in super-duper shape which includes:
    • Finish the Pineapple Man Triathlon in June in 1 hour and 45 minutes or less
    • Beat my Melbourne Art Festival race record
    • Finish a 10K race with a respectable time
    • Be able to take a non-photoshopped pictures of myself that shows my muscle tone
  • Make significant volunteer contributions to Nana's House
  • Get in the habit of taking vitamins every day
  • Use my DSLR camera in manual mode to the point where it takes no more than 2 or 3 tries to get the perfect lighting without flash
  • Finish the Media Room
  • Visit a state in the U.S. that I have not already visited
  • See "Wicked" on Broadway
  • Take another "Keith & Keri only" trip
  • Continue to strive to be the best Mommy ever to Annabelle and Corgan
  • Get Baby Donald 3.0 in the oven (which means I'll need to accomplish many of my "in super-duper shape" goals early in the year)!
Wish me luck!


Angelle said...

Those are some awesome goals. I especially like the triathlon one and getting Baby Donald 3.0 in the oven. Lots of luck to you and Keith!

Nikki said...

I also love your goals and especially look forward to Baby Donald 3.0, seeing the media room finished (I love seeing your ideas come to life), and your muscle tone photo. I'd say good luck, but I know you don't need it. I know every one of these goals will be met!

Anonymous said...

Jumping on the baby band wagon too..yay! I thought you guys were done, but that's great news :) Like Nikki said...I'm sure you'll reach all your goals, but best of luck anyways!

Hey, you photo shop your photos? I have to learn to do that...I would love to make myself look skinner..hehe!


Christina said...

I'm super impressed by your goals too! I NEED to do this!

Keri Donald said...

Kathy- No, I don't photoshop myself into looking skinnier... strategic cropping is the extent of it. :)

Anonymous said...

Well, I need to learn strategic cropping :) Can you do that on Kodak Gallery? I am so bad with changing settings on my camara, or editing photos...I need to learn more :) I just point, shoot, and post the photos...but mine never look near as good as yours or Nikki's!

Rhiannon said...

Locks of love sounds cool! I probably have enough to donate now! How long does your hair have to be? Good luck on all your goals this year!

Keri Donald said...

The donation must be at least 10 inches. Also, you can't have bleached hair, but I have VERY thick hair and have been highlighting only the crown for well over a year so I'm just going to have to keep doing that until the end of the year when I should have a long and enough donation from just the under part of my hair.

Here are the requirements: http://www.locksoflove.org/donate.html

megAstar said...

Lasik is the greatest! You'll be so happy you did it.
And Wicked is amazing. Don't be jealous, but when I saw it in NYC, it was starring Joey McIntyre!!!
Oh, and having another kid sounds good too. :)