Pioneer Bellee

Some of my fellow bloggers and blog-lurkers are big fans of the Pioneer Woman. She's known for her photography, cooking, and combining the two. Today, Annabelle and I made Corgan's birthday cookies while he took his morning nap. Annabelle LOVES to make cookies and has been looking forward to this the whole week! While we were cooking, Annabelle looked just so darn cute that I decided to get my camera out and make our own tribute-to-the-Pioneer-Woman pictures (which is kinda ironic because our cookies look NOTHING like anything that she'd ever make).

Annabelle preparing the cookie dough:

And here's the final product:

Our attempt at making Mickey Mouse cookies without a cookie cutter...

The one green cookie that made it in to the oven with the non-colored cookies... Corgan's initals (again, without a cookie cutter)...

My pitiful attempt to decorate the cookies with sprinkles...

Before we were totally done, the birthday boy woke from his nap and was hungry for the yummy smelling cookies. Annabelle wanted to sample the sprinkles that were left on the cookie sheet after I took the cookies off.

And this one... it is one of my FAV-OR-ITE pictures of Annabelle... EVER!
The End. :)

P.S. If you're proud of me for making these yummy-looking cookies without trying even one of them (yet), raise your hand!  I'm saving my splurging points for Corgan's birthday ice cream cake tomorrow!


Nikki said...

Happy Birthday, Corgan!!!!

Annabelle looks ADORABLE in all of those pictures!

Erica Lynn said...

Great pics!!


KristieDonald said...

Happy 1st Birthday Corgan!!!!

Kelly Albert said...

Happy Bday little C-man! 1 year old- wow- where has time gone. So sweet of mom and big sister to make homemade cookies for your special day. Wish we could be there. Love you bunches!!! Have a great time at the Zoo.

Angelle said...

Love the cookies. My hand is raised for you. :) Happy birthday Corgan! Wish we could share it with you.

Anonymous said...

Happy 1st B-day Corgan!

Love- The Harlan Family