FINALLY we have progress on the addition! After months of just having a big pile of dirt, already this week they have formed out the footers, roughed in the plumbing, had an inspection, and started assembling some of the framing. By the end of today, they expect to have everything formed out for the concrete, and tomorrow they pour the concrete! This is only for the garage since they planned to do that first so that we can move everything from the workshop into the garage. The permit for the house part of the renovation should come next week, so then they'll be replacing our front casement windows and the one at the end of the hall with impact rated double hung windows (MUCH safer since Annabelle is already able to crawl up into the window sill and a casement window offers no protection whatsoever, but with double hung we can open the top part and keep the bottom closed). They are going to reuse some of the windows in the new garage so they have to get that done very soon.
Here is what it looked like as of mid-afternoon yesterday:

Forming out the footers

Lots of activity going on!
Since we have all of this activity FINALLY going, I have been inspired to start planning out the rooms again. I did lots of work months ago (as long ago as last summer), but have been finalizing lots of the colors and other details since then. I'm really happy with my choices so far and can't wait to see what it looks like all together. Since I couldn't wait (and I watch LOTS of HGTV so I love to pretend that I'm an interior designer), I have done 3D renderings of the rooms and have put together an idea board for each room which is all linked from a "renovation" website on my Donald Barn website. Go to The Donald Barn site (which you can also access from, and at the bottom of the "About the Donald Barn" description, you'll see a paragraph about the renovation and a link to the renovation stuff. So far I've only put together sections on the Garage/workshop, Corgan's room, and the kids' bathroom, but I will be adding the other rooms as I can get them together. Enjoy!
This is so exciting!! Keep up with the updates :)
Everything is gonna be so awesome. Look at you- your colors, decor, and blueprints all ready to go :) That's my sister. PS- When I tried to select the kids bathroom plan it kept going to Corgan's room layout- i think the link is broken.
Looks nice! I'm sure you guys are excited to have all that looks huge! By the way, the link for the kid's bathroom did the same thing for me too!
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