Easter this year was a blast! Despite everyone being under the weather, the kids (especially Annabelle, of course) seemed to enjoy it. Holidays really are so different with kids around. The excitement and innocence in believing the magical make it so enjoyable. I have always loved doing crafts and celebrating holidays anyway, so having a little partner in crime who is even more excited than I am makes it 1000 times better!
Our Easter Day celebration started the night before with putting out a bowl of carrots for the Easter bunny (because the Easter bunny likes carrots just like the reindeer at Christmas do). We put the bowl on our front doorstep and when the Easter bunny came and brought the eggs, he also ate the carrots and left a present for Annabelle in the bowl. As soon as we got back up the stairs to tell Daddy that the Easter bunny had eaten the carrots, Bunny Belle was ready to begin searching for Easter eggs. She looked so cute waddling around in that big ole bunny costume. Corgan even had fun watching her in his little costume. Once all of the eggs were collected, the kids checked out their Easter baskets. Belle's favorite thing was her new Mickey Mouse shirt and Corgan's favorite was definitely the new container of puffs!
In the afternoon, we went over to the Konickis' intending to just put out eggs, collect eggs, and come home (in effort to try to keep anyone else from getting our germs), but we ended up having some lunch (which was DE-LISH!) and sticking around for more Easter fun. The kids looked ADORABLE in their coordinating seersucker outfits! Then even though we didn't plan it at all, Annabelle and Halle's outfits coordinated too. The girls had fun just playing with Halle's toys and all of the goodies in their amazingly full Easter baskets while the adults ate and Nikki & I snuck out to put out eggs for the kids and the adults. I went overboard on the eggs for the party, but it was just so much fun. :) When it was finally time to hunt for eggs, Belle and Halle had fun picking up all of their eggs, then they helped the adults find their eggs too. Corgan enjoyed himself hanging out with Miss Kimberly. There were lots of fun things in the adult eggs like fake roaches, pop rocks, and yo-yo balloons. After a couple of hours of Easter fun at the Konickis', both kids started really feeling yucky again so it was time to return home to make everyone feel better and get some naps in.
Aside from the fact that we didn't get to go to church like I was hoping to (because we were too sick to get up early and didn't want to spread our germs to other kids at church), Easter was a great day and so much fun! It's hard to believe that these holidays are just going to get more and more fun as the kids get older!
[Easter Morning pictures here]
[Easter Afternoon pictures here]
Wow...despite all the germies it sounds like you guys had a really ncie day.
I think Annabelle and Zachary are very similar. They both like to do things when it suits them. Zach "acted" like he was ready to potty train and I went through exactly what you did. One thing that helped with Zach was telling him he had to show Kaitlyn how big boys go on the potty. He loves to "teach" Kaitlyn how to do big kid things.
I never thought about an adult egg hunt. What a good idea!
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