Cowgirl Baby

Annabelle got to ride her first real-live horse at the Strawberry Festival this past weekend. She LOVED it! I was kinda surprised that she got on, but at the same time not-so-much because she REALLY loves animals. She was the youngest rider by far, but she did really good and held on tight and never freaked out once. She even happily walked over to the girls running the thing without hesitation. I REALLY believe that going to school has made Annabelle much better about not being too shy around other adults. Have I mentioned how glad I am that we picked that school and that she's loving it so much? :) In addition to the shyness thing, I think another perk of school is that school has really got her love of music going full force. She's singing full songs all of the time now, and loves to listen to her songs in the car. Her favorites are "I'm a Little Teapot", "The Wheels on the Bus", and "ABCs" (which she actually sings correctly now... complete with the "lmnop" word in it). Her teacher said that they sing all of the time, so I think that it just took seeing the other kids really enjoying singing to get her interested in it too.

More pictures of my little "Cowgirl Baby" are on our gallery.

1 comment:

Chelsi said...

Wow!! That is awesome that she rode on the pony so young.... she's going to be such a go-getter :)