Potty Confusion

Although she hasn't peed or pooped on the potty yet, Belle seems to be getting the idea of what her potty is for and shows more and more signs that she'll probably at least be trying out the potty before too long. When I go in to go "pee pee" I have her go in there with me and sit on her potty too. She knows that if I say that I have to go "pee pee", then I will go in and sit on my potty. She pretty much had that concept down... until tonight...

We were all in the living room watching TV, and Keith left the room saying that he had to go "pee pee". Belle ran after him into the bathroom just like she does with me. She was apparently very confused by the fact that he doesn't sit on the potty and told him to sit! He didn't sit, and proceeded to pee standing up. I wonder how much this discovery is going to set her back in potty training. :)


Angelle said...

That is hilarious! The other night Mike took a bath with Leah and as they were getting undressed, she said "What's that? I touch it." Mike was like "No, that's my boy parts, no touching." I think it may be the end of bahttime for the two of them.

Christina said...

That is so funny! I think Zach has trouble with this still too. It is good though at school they have a small urinal for the boys and a toilet for the girls.