Corgan's Growing Up So Fast!

I weighed Corgan the other day and couldn't believe that he's already up over 10 lbs! He never seemed tiny like Annabelle did, but I assumed that was because I had a small baby not so long ago and I was still used to her, but I just looked at Annabelle's growth chart and realized that it makes complete sense that he never seemed tiny... because he wasn't! At birth, he weighed the same thing that Annabelle did when she was about the age that he is now, and she didn't weight 10 lbs until she was 8 weeks old and he already weighs that much at less than 4 weeks! He did wear some premie/newborn sized clothes when he was first born, but has grown out of them quickly. He only wore "N" (newborn) Pamper's Swaddlers for about 2 weeks, then he was ready for size 1. He's already outgrown 2 pairs of shoes and a couple of outfits are extremely small on him! I haven't measured his length, but I'm guessing he's gotten taller. Hard to believe!

Corgan is starting to interact with us lots now. He has a couple of hours a day where he's pretty alert and likes to sit and look at us. He has even "coo-ed" a couple of times. I had forgotten how sweet that sounds is! He has also started enjoying the Baby Einstein activity gym (see picture above), and although he mainly just lays there and looks at the hanging toys, he has actually batted at the toys a couple of times. We got his baby recliner out too, and he's done pretty well sitting in that.

A HUGE plus for me this week has been that Corgan has finally been convinced that the bottle is good! Annabelle never would take a bottle and since I breastfed her until 12 months, I was pretty much tied to her for a LONG time (she was able to drink some whole milk out of a sippy cup, but that didn't suffice as her main source of milk until later in her first year). I suspected that she didn't do well with a bottle because I waited too long to introduce it (and because she wouldn't take a pacifier... guess she didn't like the rubbery texture), and I didn't want to make that mistake again with Corgan. Before leaving the hospital, I asked 2 different lactation consultants about when I should introduce the bottle, and got 2 different answers: one said 2-4 weeks, the other said around 2 months. I think we tried with Annabelle around 2 months, and it was already too late, so I decided to try the earlier timeframe. Annabelle seemed to have had a harder time getting the hang of breastfeeding too (but maybe it was just my inexperience at the time), but Corgan picked it up very quickly so I wasn't worried about the whole nipple confusion thing. Over the past few days, my mom has been working with Corgan on getting used to both the bottle and a pacifier (he actually stopped liking the pacifier for a little while too) and we seem to have success! Last night we went out to dinner and took a bottle with us, and Corgan took it with no problem. He did the same today while we were out on a long shopping trip! He even takes the bottle from me with no problem, and the pacifier seems to really help to soothe him when he needs more sucking (he had been using me as a pacifier... not so comfortable or convenient for mommy all of the time).

Corgan really has been such a good boy, and I've been really lucky with him so far! He's had the occasional not-so-good sleepless night or long crying spells during the day, but overall, he's been a pretty easy baby. Of course, we'll see if I'm still saying this next week when Keith is at work, Grammy & Papa are back home, and I'm here alone with active Annabelle and baby Corgan all day!


stacy said...

glad things are going well....i can't imagine havihng 2 babies (considering i know how energenic annabelle is...take care and take some mommy time.)

Christina said...

I'm so happy to hear things are going well. You and Angelle are my inspiration that I will be able to handle all of this :-)

Good luck next week!