Watching Nemo

Annabelle has a new love... "Finding Nemo". She first watched it on the 4th of July at Aunt Kelly's house. It's the first full-length movie that she's actually watched for more than 5 minutes and she watched the whole thing that night. Aunt Kelly remembered that, and bought the movie for Belle for my birthday. Since the movie arrived last Thursday afternoon, Belle has already watched it 6 times! She keeps asking to watch it over and over. As soon as the movie finishes, she asks to watch it again! Last night, after having watched it twice on Sunday and earlier in the day on Monday, I couldn't watch it again and wanted to watch some adult TV so I put it on my computer and let her sit in front of it in my big chair. She sat there for most of the movie. This movie is becoming a great babysitter. :) We'll have to find another one that she likes too though... I'm sure you mom's of toddlers know what I mean. :)

New pictures up at Kodakgallery.


Christina said...

Zach has never really been the sitting still type but a few weeks ago Melissa was babysitting and they watched Shrek. On Sunday he told me he wanted to watch Shrek and he says, "I'm an OGRE!!". It was so funny! I've never heard him ask to watch anything but elmo before.

Angelle said...

That was Leah's first full-length movie too! The second one was Monsters, Inc and then The Brave Little Toaster (a fav from when I was a kid).

Anonymous said...

Brody and Shelby still love Finding Nemo...Some other good ones are Toy Story and Monsters, Inc.
