I don't know if I just don't remember it being this tough last time, but I feel so physically tired this pregnancy. I'm not necessarily sleepy (although I'm that sometimes too), but my muscles and joints are just SO worn out all of the time. I feel like this from the time that I wake up too. It feels like I have just gone running a long distance all of the time (without the satisfaction of knowing that I DID get some exercise). I know I have 40 extra pounds on me already (I started out a few pounds heavier this time, but I'm already up to the weight that I was the day that Belle was born), but I don't remember going DOWN the stairs being this difficult! Maybe it's because my body never fully recouperated from being pregnant the first time. My muscles seem to cramp up a lot more than they did last time too. I'm trying to drink as much water as possible, but... only a few more weeks!
I've been trying to do some small things to get Belle prepared for after Corgan gets here... from an independance stand-point. I know that after the c-section it will be a while before I can lift her again, so I'm trying to get her to become an expert at climbing the stairs on her own, I've tried letting her climb into the car and car seat on her own (not-so-easy), and encouraging the right way to get up and down from chairs and the couch or my lap. Annabelle is a very independant little girl, so it doesn't take too much persuading to get her to do those things. This is going to be a huge challenge when it comes to getting into and out of the crib, on and off of the changing table, and in and out of the high chair. I should have help here with me most of the time, but I don't want to be too dependant on everyone else (Where the heck do you think Annabelle gets the independance gene from? ;)). I guess we'll come up with a way to work around most things, but the crib is going to be a toughy. I certainly don't want to teach her to climb in and out (although, she might be able to do that if I put the side down... I don't want to encourage that though because she'd probably try to do it when the side is up too). The high chair will be another challenge, but I have been letting her feed herself more finger foods (including corn and green beans) from a bowl on the coffee table. I suppose an easy answer would be to let her use the portable high chair on the floor, but then I just have to make sure that all of the pets stay away while she's got food... which isn't easy either. And I guess as far as the changing table goes, I'll just have to get used to changing her on the floor or on my bed or the couch or something for a while. So many things to think about, and I have probably missed some too!
On a totally unrelated note, Keith's parents just got back from Japan and they sent Belle this authentic Japanese outfit that is SO cute on her. We tried to get a picture of her kicking her foot up in the air, ka-ra-te style, but she fell over any time her foot got too high. She had fun trying though. Also, I'll post these pictures when I have enought to warrant a full album, but during Belle's nap the other day, I went in to her room to get something and had to take a picture when I saw that her and her "woof" were sleeping in the same position and both had a hand (or paw) sticking out of the crib. Annabelle's back in swimming lessons for her last week, just to make sure that she really got everything, so I'll be bringing my camera to that and should have plenty of pictures to post soon. :) She did REALLY good today... still cried through the whole thing, but did the whole routine perfectly!
P.S. We did actually get our a/c back the next day at noon (after the "Hot Fatty" post). I've probably been running the a/c more than usual just because I appreciate it so much now! :)
I totally agree and empathasize with you that this time around is SO much harder. I do not remember it being like this, but we did not have to run around after toddlers all day. WORK was easier! Stick a fork in me, I am DONE!
Wow...it was so good to hear you guys say the same thing. My first pregnancy was obviously a bit different but I'm exhausted! I can't wait for this baby to come and I still have 9 more weeks!
I'm glad you found a way for Belle to eat veggies. I've been using those sneaky chef recipes from that link you sent me. That is the only way I can get him to eat veggies.
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