The Pox

Last week at Belle's 12 month check-up, she got her MMRV vaccine (measles-mumps-rubella-varicella). The MMR has been around for a while, but apparently the "varicella" part (which is the fancy name for "chickenpox") is new. It seems so weird to me that my kids will (should) never get chickenpox... almost like one of the common rights-of-passage of childhood is being taken away. I personally don't remember getting the chickenpox (but I remember seeing the pictures of me with them), but it's so strange that Belle will never get them.

Anyway, last week when Belle got her MMRV shot and another dose of her pheumococcal vaccination, the doctor told us that she may have some feverish symptoms a week or so later, and also may show signs of a minor case of the chickenpox. So far we haven't seen any of the poxes (poxii???), but she's been running a fever for the past few days. On top of that she seems to be struggling with tooth #9 breaking through so she's been extra fussy, her sleep pattern has been out of whack, extra poopie (attitude and output; side note: she's saying "poop" now when we're changing her poopie diapers), and her eating habits have been a little more picky. Thank GOD that my mom has been here to help so that someone else can share in handling "Ms. Fussy Budget" (a name that Grammy calls here... who knows what it means? :)) and/or watch her while I catch up on my sleep! Last night wasn't too bad, but two nights ago, Annabelle woke up at 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6am! Keith took 4, and the cats made sure that I didn't sleep through the 5am hour, but whoa... what a rough night! I just hope the worst of it is over (although I'm sure this isn't the last of my sleepless nights)! Seriously, how the heck do you working-moms do it!?!?

On another note, Belle is running all over the place now! She's learned that she can step down the step by either holding someone's hand, holding on to another object, or she stops and crawls down. It's cute... she still loves to practice walking down the step, so she'll walk up to the end of it and sign her version of "help" (which is similar to most kids' version of "pick me up"). Also, I know this picture is already on the Valentine's Day photo album, but I LOVE the look she has in this picture! She was wondering why the heck we kept putting buckets on her head.

1 comment:

Angelle said...

I hate when they have reactions to vaccines. I was just thinking about sleep last night and how with the new baby and not being able to nap during day, I will be a bear! Good luck to you too with all that! :)