My New Best Friend

Today I discovered the joy of combining a Baby Einstein DVD and the swing! Normally Belle doesn't care for either of them too much, but together apparently they make magic!

I had some paperwork that I needed to get done this morning, and Belle doesn't like the playpen for too long and isn't really interested in her activity center seat anymore, so I tried the swing again. I think the BE DVD ("Baby MacDonald on the Farm") was just the ingredient that we needed, because about 10 minutes into the video, I looked back and Annabelle was in dreamland! Yea! She took a good nap, and by the time she woke up, I was ready to play again. :)

1 comment:

Jill Fosness said...

I bought you that DVD the very first time I saw you after finding out you were pregnant! Awww! So sweet! Life on the farm puts her right to sleep!