Anyway, that next morning Keith took over Belle duties again while I took a nap. When I got up from my nap, I noticed that I was a little warm so I took my temperature and realized that I had a fever too. It wasn't a bad fever, but it explained why I felt like I had been beaten up. I was sore EVERYWHERE... my knees, back, neck, face, shoulders, stomach, calves... EVERYWHERE! Plus, to top it all off, the tendonitis in my left wrist was the worst it had ever been so every time that I had to pick up Annabelle, unscrew the medicine container, or even open a door, I hurt so badly! I was in bad shape!
Last night I went to bed early (which, for me, means 11pm), and Annabelle woke up at 2 and 6, but went back to sleep within 20 minutes each time. Then Keith took care of Annabelle this morning so that I could sleep. When I woke up late this morning, I felt 100 times better and my fever was gone.
Unfortunately, when I went in to get Annabelle up after her morning nap, I felt how warm she was and took her temperature to find that it was up to 104.4! I immediately went into panic mode, and we got Annabelle into a cold tub. It was so hard to pour cold water over my crying baby who kept reaching for me to take her out of the bath. She was so pitiful! Keith called the doctor and they told us to keep giving her Infant Tylenol and as long as her fever goes down when she's on it, just bring her in Monday morning. The doctor also said that we should give her a lukewarm bath, NOT a cold one, because she could have seizures from the quick temperature change! Ugh!
So... Annabelle still had a fever when we put her to bed tonight, but she hasn't really acted like she's really sick. She is still eating great and plays and laughs a lot. One of her top two teeth has totally broken through, and the other one is almost there, so maybe overnight the other one will make it through and she'll be all better! (Fingers crossed!) I hope that is what's causing the high temp, but we're still going into the doctor tomorrow just to make sure. I have to admit though, I hate for her to be sick, but I love that she wants to cuddle when she's feeling a little poopie... even if it is for only 5 minutes at a time! Also, Keith has been a life saver during these past few days! He's been such a great Daddy and husband!
On a happy note, Annabelle is doing the FUNNIEST thing yet... she fakes crying! I hope that I can get it on video soon because it's hilarious! I also finally found time today to make Annabelle's "at 7 months" page, upload a video of "Baby in a Corner" (we didn't put her there!), and added pictures of Annabelle supporting Mommy & Daddy's alma mater, the University of Alabama (ROLL TIDE!). As you can see from the pictures and video, she really isn't acting sick.
I have been there and I know how you feel. I don't know how single moms do it! Joe had to come in when I couldn't stop crying before also.
I hope Annabelle feels better. Try to get some sleep and take care of yourself.
I love the picture! Those dimples are adorable.
We have all been there. Thank goodness for daddies! I totally know how freaked out you were when her fever was that high. Leah got up to 105.3! I get into our big tub with her and fill it up with lukewarm water. Then she lays on my chest while I use a washcloth to drip water on her back. It has always helped to cool her off quickly.
i dont think you're really a mom until you're up crying with your crying baby....=) although i'm jealous of those that dont have to be up with crying babies. ( and they're mom's too, you know what i mean) good luck, just remember you're a great mom and you are always doing whats best for her- she loves you.
Hope you found out what's going on at the doctor's this am. It does sound like teething issues, but I'm limited on that knowledge :) I'm looking forward to my quality time babysitting Belle this week (assuming she doesn't have something that's catching!!)
Oh, man! Sounds like the past few days in your house have been just as much of a whirlwind as mine. Hope everyone is doing better now and kudos to Keith on all his help! :)
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