It's crazy to see how much Annabelle has changed in less than the 2 short weeks that we've been gone. She rolls over (both directions) ALL of the time, she sleeps mostly on her stomach and even ends up with her head in the corner of the playpen because she scoots there, she puts her feet high up in the air and holds them with her hands often, she has started reaching for me when she wants to be picked up, she "talks" SOOO much, she has discovered "volume" and uses this new discovery to squeal with excitement or displeasure, and she's SOOO close to sitting up on her own. Also, she has seen lots of new toys since we've been up here. These toys include different exersaucer or activity centers, toys that she can hold, new stuffed animals and more. It's amazing to watch her pick up and learn how to play with these toys that she would have just stared at and maybe eventually figured out just a couple of weeks ago!
She also puts EVERYTHING in her mouth now! She still won't take the pacifier, but everything else from fingers (not necessarily just her own) to toys to stuffed animals to cloths goes straight into her mouth. I've read that this behavior can be a way that she is discovering and learning about new things. She's also drooling alot so she may be close to teething too.
Her sleeping patterns are way out of whack again. I'm sure this is because of our traveling though. She's still napping in the morning and afternoon, and she sleeps during most of the night, but wakes up every few hours either because her diaper is too wet, a noise scares her, she's worked herself into an uncomfortable position, or just for some comfort.
When we were in Tuscaloosa, I put Annabelle to bed for the night and she woke up soon after I left to go shopping, so Keith's dad rubbed her head and soothed her back to sleep. But a few days ago Annabelle had someone besides Mommy put her to bed for the night for the first time. Keith and I went out on a date while my parents watched Annabelle. Our bedtime routine is that I will breastfeed her then put her to bed, sometimes she's already fallen asleep while eating, other times she has to cry herself to sleep a little. Although they had a bottle, it wasn't Mommy so Grammy and Grandpa had a hard time getting her ready for bed. On top of me not being there, Belle doesn't take a bottle too well so that was a little bit of a struggle. But, after lots of rocking and soothing, then finally dancing with Grandpa just like he used to do with us kids, she fell asleep. As soon as we got home, she woke up just long enough for a little nighttime snack and some Mommy-love, then was back to sleep. Dispite knowing that she would probably have some issues falling asleep, we knew that she was in good hands so we had a wonderful relaxing dinner and movie (side note: We saw "Click"... it was HILARIOUS! I don't laugh out loud at movies, but I did at this one!).
Belle is showing a great interest in the things that we eat and drink now. This is one of the key signs that she's ready to eat "solids". She tries to take our drinks from us and stares at food as we put it into our mouths. She has been eating small mushy pieces of banana off of our fingers and is so excited when she tastes it. She also devoured a bowl of cereal just last night. It may be time to try some other fruits soon.
We went swimming the other day, so this makes the 5th time that Belle has been swimming. Although she's always seemed to enjoy being in a pool, she's showing more excitement now by splashing around.
Belle is also very aware of when her name is called (whether it's Annabelle, Belle, Bellee, or even Ms. Poopies) and usually responds. She shows so much excitement and response to playing and being talked to. She loves to be scared whether it's by jumping out at her or by tossing her up in the air. She's in general just such a happy girl!
Daddy left to go home yesterday, so it'll be another week before he sees us again. He commented before he left that he can't imagine how much she'll change by the time that he sees her again! Who knows... maybe she'll be crawling to him. Well, maybe not quite crawling (I HOPE NOT just yet anyway), but I'm sure she'll be even more noticably advanced! Plus, she'll be a big 5 month old already! Wow... she's already growing up so fast!
See many pictures of Belle in the Bible Belt on our photo gallery.
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