Mommy's NetBoss Theory

It never fails... any time we're around NetBoss people, Belle falls asleep! She can be wide awake on the way to see NetBossers, might wake up for a few minutes while they're there, or wakes up after they're gone, but whether we're at lunch, visiting at home, or in the office, she's sleeping when NetBossers are around! So...

My NetBoss Theory is that the voices of people from NetBoss remind her of her days in the womb when she slept through all of those status and elaboration meetings, so she reverts to those memories and falls right to sleep when she hears a NetBoss voice! Maybe instead of the Sleep Sheep's soothing sounds of the ocean that we play to lull her to sleep, I should have someone record a NetBoss Design Review meeting and we should play that at night! Of course, then daddy and I may have nightmares and not sleep too well...

P.S. Pictures from our visit to NetBoss Land are up on the website.

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